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- 08/2015 - 10/2016: Nghiên cứu viên, Trung Tâm Động lực học Thủy khí Môi trường
- 10/2016 - nay: Giảng viên tạo nguồn, Bộ môn Khí tượng và Biến đổi khí hậu, Khoa Khí tượng Thủy văn và Hải dương học
Chủ nhiệm:
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Tham Gia
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Pham-Thanh, H., T. Phan-Van, R. van der Linden, and A. H. Fink, (2021): “The Performance of ECMWF sub-seasonal forecasts to predict the Rainy Season Onset Dates in Vietnam”. Weather and Forecasting, doi: 10.1175/WAF-D-21-0144.1 (In English)
Pham-Thanh, H., T. Phan-Van, A. H. Fink, and R. van der Linden, (2021): “Local-Scale Rainy Season Onset Detection: A New Approach Based on Principal Component Analysis and its Application to Vietnam”. International J. Climatol, doi: 10.1002/joc.7441 (In English)
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Tran-Quang, D., Pham-Thanh, T. Vu, C. Kieu, and T. Phan-Van, 2020: Climatic Shift of the Tropical Cyclone Activity Affecting the Vietnam’s Coastal Region. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-20-0021.1 (In English)
Pham-Thanh, H., T. Ngo-Duc, J. Matsumoto, T. Phan-Van, and H. Vo-Van, 2020: Rainfall trends in Vietnam and their associations with tropical cyclones during 1979−2019. Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere-SOLA, 16, 169−174, DOI:10.2151/sola.2020-029. Link: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/sola/16/0/16_2020-029/_pdf (In English)
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Pham Quang Nam, Tran Quang Duc, Le Lan Phuong, Hoang Danh Huy, Pham Thanh Ha, Phan Van Tan, 2020: A study on the Sensitivity of Parameterizations for Regional Climate models in the Simulation of Tropical Cyclones over Western Pacific Ocean and East Sea, VNU Journal of Science: Earth and Environmental Sciences, [S.l.], v. 36, n. 3, sep. 2020. ISSN 2588-1094, DOI: https://doi.org/10.25073/2588-1094/vnuees.4568. (In Vietnamese)
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Ha Pham-Thanh, Roderick van der Linden, Thanh Ngo-Duc, Quang Nguyen-Dang, Andreas H. Fink, Tan Phan-Van, 2019: Predictability of the rainy season onset date in Central Highlands of Vietnam. International Journal of Climatology. DOI: https://rmets.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/joc.6383 (In English)
Pham Thanh Ha, Hoang Danh Huy, Pham Quang Nam, Jack Katzfey, John McGregor, Nguyen Kim Chi, Tran Quang Duc, Nguyen Manh Linh, Phan Van Tan, 2019: Implementation of Tropical Cyclone Detection Scheme to CCAM model for Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Prediction over the Vietnam East Sea. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25073/2588-1094/vnuees.4384. (In Vietnamese)
Nguyen Manh Linh, Jack Katzfey, John McGregor, Nguyen Kim Chi, Pham Quang Nam, Tran Quang Duc, Pham Thanh Ha, Hoang Danh Huy, Nguyen Van Hiep, Phan Van Tan, 2019: Investigate the relationship between Storm Formation and Tropical Cyclone Genesis Potential Index in the Vietnam East Sea, VNU Journal of Science: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 35, No. 2 (2019) 91-101. (In Vietnamese)
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